Time to get seed started.

God Bless America

God Bless America
If you don't think so, maybe you should leave

Friday, November 19, 2010

Pequin Chiles

Its getting colder, so I have moved some of my Chile plants inside. My Chile Pequin plants among them. I have several that are in there fourth year. I love this Chile, its as hot as heck but sure is tasty. I picked what few fruit was left on the plant. Ran them through the dehydrator, destemed and ground them in my spice grinder. I am now set for the winter. I keep a shaker bottle sitting on the table, use it on most everything. Try it Ya gonna like it.

Desteming Chiles

Finished Product

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fall In Texas

I just could not resist. Most of the time our fall color is from green to brown. Well for some strange reason this year things look different. Not much different, but I like it.
 I know farther East the fall color is really nice. Might be also in the North West, haven't been there in the fall.
Anyway I thought our fall color was worth posting. So took some photos these last couple of days. Thought y'all might enjoy them.

Driveway coming to our house.

The road to the drive

Friday, November 12, 2010

Looking Forward

I am looking forward to new things this coming year. I am becoming interested in new Chiles, and different vegetables. I am thinking also about some livestock. Maybe some chickens and rabbits. We already have plenty of wild hogs.
 I think rabbits and chickens would be just right for me. I would not want many. Just enough to have some fresh eggs and some rabbit meat. No pet rabbits.
 I am finding that I have more time here at home now that I am farming less.
Just saying!! If y'all have any comments I would like to hear them. Thanks.